Wednesday, October 19, 2016


When people say the word librarian, I just kind of blank out. It's just a nice blank white space.

Because I think of different librarians in different contexts. Outside of those contexts, I don't know which to think about. I like both, to a certain extent. Neither of them really jump to the forefront of my mind.

Words have power, but sometimes there's just so much that comes to mind that I blank out.

Iko Kasahara from Library Wars: Love & War is a librarian. Of a sort.

its so pretty @_@

I love the story (this is one of the few series where I want to buy all the books and make myself go broke -- like FMA). I tend to think of Kasaraha because she's the protagonist in the series and the premise of the series is intriguing. It stuck.

I also tend to think of Shasta Smedry from the Alcatraz and the Evil Librarians series.

Shasta's the grumpy woman on the right.

...yeah, that doesn't exactly help my perception of librarians.

Not all librarians are evil. But most of them are. And Brandon Sanderson does an excellent job portraying them as such.

Obviously, these are fictionalized librarians, but they still affect my perception of librarians. Are they good, willing to do anything to protect the freedom to read? Or are they evil, controlling the information that we're given?
What do you think?

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