Wednesday, January 3, 2018

It's Been a While

But hey, happy new year!

One of my friends recently (like two months ago) posted about how she wasn't going to stop blogging even though it was hard. Even though she had nothing profound to share. (find it here (and then stay and read more because it's a really good blog)) Obviously that motivated me. A lot. (not really but hey, whatever)

That aside, I'm back because I finally got on the computer for non-writing, non-school purposes and figured I should do something about my blog.

As a catch-up, I did Inktober (with gel pens because I'm lame like that) and it was awesome. I had a lot of fun trying to think of things to draw each day. I mostly stuck with the prompt list, but I'm pretty happy with some of the variations I did (some of those variations turned into Christmas presents, so it was a win-win).

Then it was on to November and the dreaded NaNoWriMo (national novel writing month, for those of you who don't live under rocks and give up social life for the month of november). I actually not only hit the word count, but finished a novel (!!!!!!!!) In the past, I've finished a novel (under the word count) and hit the word count (without getting close to finishing the stupid thing) so that was a really big achievement. I also managed to balance NaNo with schoolwork (I don't even know, don't ask me) and finished one of my last few courses.

December was actually relaxing, if emotionally traumatizing. By the time we got to Thanksgiving, I was kind of in the home stretch. It was all or nothing. So I decided to start reading Way of Kings by the fabulous Brandon Sanderson. More on that in probably the next blog post. I finished up two courses and attempted to low-key chill until Christmas.

It mostly worked.

Until I remembered that Christmas was a week away and I hadn't actually finished a number of Christmas presents.

Don't procrastinate on Christmas presents.

Anyway, that brings us to now.

As I'm looking ahead to 2018, my hope of graduating college this year is approaching achievable. This brings with it a whole host of exciting things (and a whole lot of trepidation). I have three courses to complete and then my final thesis (which may see some development through blog posts since I have no idea what I'm going to do for it O_O). Then I'm done.

I mean.

Like. Done. Done done done done done done.
Finished with school.

Then it's on to find a job.

I don't know what 2018 holds for me, but I'm excited to see. And terrified. But for the time being, just excited.

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