Saturday, January 13, 2018

More Sanderson Rambling

Just really quick

I adore the Stormlight Archives
so if you haven't read it
and don't want it spoiled




(you didn't think I adored just the big three, did you?)

Okay but as of this point in time (Oathbringer) Kaladin Stormblessed is my favorite character because of his growth, particularly in Words of Radiance (which we now own because my sister and I both adore it and we agreed to work together and buy it).

Because he goes from considering suicide to his oaths. His third oath in particular blew me away.
"I will protect even those I hate, so long as it is right." -Words of Radiance 

Dalinar's arc (particularly in Oathbringer) made me cry.
As a reader, I haven't spent a lot of time with Adolin and I respect him (way more than I did when I first met him) but I feel like I don't quite know him as well.
Jasnah spent most of Words of Radiance being dead, so I don't really know her either, but her twist at the end of Oathbringer is *incoherent screeching*
Shallan has what's probably the most tragic backstory out of all of them and I like where her character is going.

But Kaladin Stormblessed...

He does things because he cannot look away.

Because he keeps running.
not running in a bad way, it's more he keeps going but im also going off a quote (remember that quote last post about running? That's about Fleet and it's about a race, and it's about not stopping -- not giving up)

Obviously my life is nowhere near as hard and the decisions I make are not nearly as life threatening.

But I can relate to Kaladin and how he deals with the consequences of his decision. And his ongoing depression. His inability to look away. To not do anything.

And so, I hope to do as he does and pick up. There'll be not good moments in life.
I'll never be perfect.
I'll be exhausted and done and just SO DONE.
But I don't want to give up.

I want to be able to keep running.
Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination.
The first ideal, the first of the immortal words.

Life will be hard and it's going to suck.

But I can keep running to the best of my ability.

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