Thursday, September 8, 2016

Dear People

Dear People who Tell me About TV Shows I Should Watch,

Please stop. I have mentioned this before to you, but I do have other things in my life. Like school. And creating visuals for you.
You clearly do not understand that I have a commitment to books first. Books have been and always will be my first love. That being said, I have taken the time to create a visual that you should refer back to before recommending a new TV show to me.

Do you see that smaller stack of books? That's my schoolwork, not including the current textbooks and etc. I have on Kindle/various other electronic sources. That large stack of books is all the books I want to read for fun before the year is over.
I do enjoy TV shows.
But not right now.
So please, for the sake of my sanity and those around me, stop recommending shows to me.

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